Over the last few months of attending weekly lessons, it would be an understatement to say that General Paper is just another examination to score for. The subject is taught in an engaging and insightful manner, and I have undeniably grown fond of this subject even if it is one that I struggle with. Besides understanding more about the implications of the issues that are happening all around us, I have learnt how to form coherent arguments with depth and insight, and this has helped me to evaluate and consider issues from different perspectives. I thoroughly enjoy the lessons and have learnt so much from the lessons! I eventually scored an A for my A-Level GP result!
Denise Boey
River Valley High School (IP)

I was greatly blessed to have Mr Jonathan Liew guide me through my GP journey in year 2 of JC all the way till A Levels. Mr Liew is a dedicated and committed tutor who never fails to prepare for our GP lessons together beforehand, and he strives to make lessons as engaging and interesting as possible.
Mr Liew has shown me that learning does not consist of only preparing for the exams. He has taught me that learning is a lifelong process that continues way beyond GP tuition and exams, a process that can truly be enjoyed.
What I love most about Mr Liew is that he is more than a tutor. He is an educator, one that teaches not from the books, but from the heart. Mr Liew has taught me a lot more about life than just GP through the effective and meaningful GP tuition. I encourage my friends and juniors to check out his effective and impactful GP tuition progammes at EDvolution Learning Studio.
Brad Henry once said, “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and I still a love of learning”, and I’m so glad to say I found that in Mr Liew.
Evangeline Melinda
National Junior College

Mr Jonathan Liew is a very patient GP tutor who always patiently explains to me concepts whenever I do not understand them. Mr Liew started tutoring me a few months before A Levels. Yet, in these few months alone, through his effective GP tuition programme, I felt that I learnt so many new concepts and my perspectives towards certain issues had broadened. The GP notes that Mr Liew provides are extremely helpful for revision because they are concise and easy to understand.
Mr Liew is always available for help. Learning from Mr Liew isn’t only confined to the 2-hour lessons each week. He is always willing to help students despite his busy schedule. I believe that he will be a great GP tutor to many students at EDvolution Learning Studio, as he is able to cater to the different styles of learning of different students in his GP tuition classes.
Keith Lim
Anglo-Chinese Junior College

I’ve always enjoyed Mr Liew’s lesson as not only did I found it effective but it was also fun! I’ve been to various GP tuition, but I found Mr Liew’s tuition the most helpful and relevant to the requirements. The lessons indeed helped us to expand our general knowledge through the various content covered and more focus placed on common topics such as Media, Science and Tech and Environment. I always thought GP was all about content, but through Mr Liew’s lessons, I realised that writing skills and comprehension skills were equally important and though my skills were weak initially, under Mr Liew’s guidance, I was able to master the skills and apply them to my school tests and exams and eventually in the actual A levels. With that, I saw a significant improvement in my GP grades where I went from an S in promos to an E in JC 2 to a D in prelims and eventually and A in the actual A level exams! I owe all of this to Mr Liew’s patient guidance and support! Though he was stringent in his marking, the feedback given definitely helped me to identify my weak areas and improve on them! What I also like about his lessons were that there was a lot of discussion which allows it to be interesting as we get to know more about other people’s perspective! I’m really grateful to Mr Liew for his help and I definitely enjoyed his classes! 🙂
Temasek Junior College

Mr Liew is a caring and nurturing teacher who is able to make his students improve greatly. He offers clear methods and techniques to approach question types for both essays and comprehension, and offers much-needed guidance with regards to content material. His teaching style is good and careful balance between techniques and content, which is important to achieve in order to do well in this subject. Through him, I have sharpened my skills, and beefed up my content greatly, and above all gained a nurturing and thoughtful mentor. I really appreciate his kindness and concern for me throughout this journey and I have been privileged to be able to look at him as more of a friend than a teacher. His teaching really helped me improve in this subject, and taken care of it while I struggled with the other subjects. Thank you once again and I’ll try my best to do you proud this A levels!
Thank you Mr Liew!
Raffles Institution

Mr Liew is a great GP tutor that really helped push me in the right direction during the two months of intensive crash courses before the A-Level exams. His lessons really helped my essays & AQ (Application Question) answers to be filled with much more substance. I eventually got an A for my A-Level GP result! I am really grateful for his assistance in GP!
Xin Ying
Dunman High School

As students, my classmates and I always wish to have the kind of GP tutor who is not only eager to share his content knowledge, but also passionate to develop in us an interest in learning, a habit of rigorous thinking.
Mr. Jonathan Liew is definitely one such GP tutor and I was fortunate enough to have him as my GP tutor. Mr. Liew knows exactly what the essential components are in a well-argued GP essay, including the structure, expression and vocabulary, as well as the most relevant and recent examples. I always looked forward to his lessons, during which he would draw examples from the hottest debates of different issues in various parts of the world and spell out precisely how these examples could be used to illustrate a point. His lessons were never about the black and white of the answer scheme, but the vibrant colours of the world.
Mr. Liew is both a teacher and a friend. He pays special attention to our interests and proactively looks out for opportunities to impact our lives in meaningful ways. In and out of the classroom, he often chatted with the art students about the SG50 light shows and had conversations with the Science Society members on how they were conducting the science carnivals. He made us feel that our passion matters. I still remember the morning before my Drama Night performance, he sent an email to me, encouraging me to give all my best and said he would be among the audience. These small instances built a strong personal connection between Mr. Liew and us, which not only facilitated interest-based learning, but also spurred us to excel in all aspects of our lives.
I hope you would consider coming for Mr. Liew’s GP tuition programmes at EDvolution Learning Studio to benefit from all these exceptional and fantastic learning experiences.
Xia Mian
Victoria Junior College

Mr Jonathan Liew is a very caring GP tutor who always looks out for his students. Before I attended Mr Liew’s GP tuition class, I had always failed my General Paper examinations which caused me to lose confidence in my writing. However, Mr Liew never once lost hope in me and instead he gave me the confidence to do well in the subject. He taught me how to structure my GP essays and also shared with me his insights on current affairs. Through the effective GP tuition programme, his teaching made GP seem less daunting and fearful as he taught me methods to approach the subject.
Mr Liew is not only knowledgeable but also is passionate in teaching. It is certainly my honour to have Mr. Liew as my GP tutor.
Thank you Mr Liew for not only helping me to improve my GP but also sparking an interest in me towards the subject. I encourage and recommend everyone to experience his effective GP tuition classes.
All the best, Mr Liew and I wish you success in running EDvolution Learning Studio and finally realising your dreams! I’m happy for you:)
Annabella Lee
Nanyang Junior College

Before Mr Liew taught me, I found GP to be a very boring subject. I didn’t enjoy reading and I never willingly touched the newspapers to catch up on current affairs. This showed in my results, where I was always getting Ds and Es in internal examinations
After Mr Liew started teaching me, he actively tried to engage me in conversations about current affairs, asking me to consider the views of various stakeholders, getting me interested in reading up. He guided me to think deeply and widely, broadening my knowledge and understanding about GP as a subject.
I definitely enjoyed my GP tuition classes with Mr Liew. He conducts his GP tuition programme in a way that one feels comfortable with the pace and direction of the lesson. He tries to find out what his students’ interest are in order to customize the entire GP tuition programme for his students. My GP has improved a lot with Mr Liew’s guidance and I cannot thank him enough for his care and guidance. Thank you , Mr. Liew and I recommend all my friends to experience his effective GP tuition classes at EDvolution Learning Studio!
Tan Ying Xuan
Hwa Chong Institution

Mr. Jonathan Liew has been a very fervent teacher who puts in effort into nurturing me to be more proficient in my General Paper(GP). With his effective GP tuition programme, my grades took a tremendous leap from an S in Promo exam to an A in my A-Level GP result!
With well prepared lessons, he never failed to engage me with information and current affairs,thus enriching my content knowledge. I believe that he is a great teacher who will be able to engage well with his students at EDvolution Learning Studio and help them do well in A-Level General Paper.
Royton Tan
Meridian Junior College

Although Mr. Jonathan Liew only started tutoring me very close to the exams, he gave me content notes that were very useful in helping me to grasp the key aspects of the various content topics in GP. As I was focusing on The Media as a topic, he gave me very useful notes that had all the key issues on the topic of censorship for example.
Throughout the intensive GP tuition programme, Mr Liew was also very proficient in identifying the exact areas in which I needed help for content. Although I was aware of general affairs and was able to pick out examples, Mr Liew helped me to make the best use of our lesson time by illustrating the various issues through the effective use of concept maps on different topics. The concept maps really helped me get a quick overview of all the content topics in GP. Being someone who can easily get overwhelmed by content at times, the mind maps really helped give me the bird’s-eye view that I needed.
Mr Liew was also helpful identifying certain issues I had in my writing and language. Mr. Liew’s GP tuition class is certainly more than just cramming of content. He guided me on how I could improve clarity in expression through my choice of words, and that really helped me to improve my clarity of thought as well!
Mr Liew really emphasized the use of “language of evaluation”, which immediately made my AQ (Appplication Question) responses more analytical in Paper 2 Comprehension! This helped improve my essays and AQ in particular, where the nature of responses has to be persuasive and analytical.
I really benefited especially from the AQ skills Mr Liew imparted to me that made me more critical in the way I evaluated the passages. Through different thinking frameworks, evaluating arguments became easier as I could chose the framework that best suited the passage I was reading. This really helped cut down the time I spent during the exam, as now I had certain thinking models in my mind to use! In the past, I used to not have enough time to complete AQ as I couldn’t think of the best way to evaluate the author’s points. However, learning the models now really made things a lot faster.
Mr Liew sensed very accurately that I was very stressed out by the exams. He always reassured me, as he knew I was putting in the best I could. There was one session in particular that I’m really thankful for, where Mr Liew stayed back for an hour to share with me his inspirational story that really showed me that anything is possible if one puts their heart and mind to it. It also showed me the power of self- belief. Mr.Liew’s GP tuition is definitely more than just about doing well in the exam. He helped me think of new ways of looking at examinations in life, and that really helped me tackle the stress factor more effectively. One shouldn’t overlook this, as exam preparedness will all come to naught should one be overly stressed. The right mindset and perspective is crucial, and I’m thankful for Mr Liew for pointing me to this!
Mr Liew is also quick to affirm the strengths and positive traits that he saw in me, and his personal affirmation really helped to build up my confidence for the GP exams.
All in all, Mr Liew is an amazing GP tutor who really cares about his students, and he really goes all the way to do just that! I do recommend my friends and juniors to attend his effective tuition classes at EDvolution Learning Studio.
Triynka Ananda
Millennia Institute